What Type Of Anesthesia Will Be Used During My Breast Implant Revision?

Dr. Robert Schwartz
May 3, 2016

Are you having complications related to your breast augmentation? Do you feel like they don’t look and feel the way you always envisioned they would? Are you experiencing pain, discomfort, or other health issues? In all of these cases, you’re probably considering a breast implant revision, but you may have concerns about the pain level for your procedure.

Dallas breast revision patients can set their minds at ease. Dr. Schwartz evaluates your surgical needs and determines the type of anesthesia that will make you the most comfortable. Though the vast majority of breast revisions are done under general anesthesia, which means you will be completely asleep during your procedure, local anesthesia is recommended for less complex revisions.

We use only board-certified physician anesthesiologists to administer your anesthesia, so you can rest assured that it will be expertly handled and you won’t feel a thing.


General anesthesia is typically produced by a combination of inhaled gases and drugs administered through an IV (intravenous) needle.

The sleep like state induced through general anesthesia prevents your brain from responding to pain signals or surgical manipulations that occur during surgery. Additionally, your breathing is controlled and vital signs are monitored throughout the procedure to ensure no problems arise. Local anesthesia numbs the area to minimize discomfort during your breast revision.

This procedure is best for patients who require simple corrective surgery that will not take long. If you’re nervous about your procedure, or need breast revision that will take somewhat longer, you can opt for local anesthesia with sedation. With most forms of IV sedation you remain able to communicate with your plastic surgeon but are more relaxed than with only local anesthesia.

Call us at Robert Schwartz Plastic Surgery, your Dallas breast revision experts, today to learn more. We’re here to help!

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