What Type Of Anesthesia Will Be Used For My Facelift?

Dr. Robert Schwartz
December 21, 2015

So you’ve finally decided to make a change for the better. You’ve battled with yourself over your reservations about getting a facelift, but in the end, you’re tired of your outer self not reflecting the person you know you are inside and you’re going to take action.

As the idea of going through with it becomes more real, though, it’s normal for doubts and concerns to creep back in, halting your momentum. One of the most common concerns of many people when considering surgery is whether you’ll feel anything during the procedure. Before you go too far down that path of worry, let us put your mind at ease.

General anesthesia will be used so you’ll be asleep during the entire operation, but more than that, Dallas facelift expert Dr. Robert Schwartz is among the very best in his craft. He and his staff will make every effort to make sure your procedure is as smooth and painless as possible.


When it comes time for your procedure, Dr. Schwartz takes your safety as more than just a consideration – it’s an absolute mandate. Unlike others in his field who perform operations in surgery suites or doctor’s offices, Dr. Schwartz will only perform your procedure in an accredited major hospital with all of the necessary resources to ensure your utmost safety readily at hand.

In addition, he uses only board certified anesthesiologists – not nurses or other attendants – to administer and monitor your anesthesia during the procedure. So, you can quite literally rest assured of your safety while you undergo your operation. If you have concerns about your upcoming procedure, you aren’t alone, but you’re in good hands.

Dallas facelift expert Dr. Robert Schwartz has a long list of satisfied patients and takes pride in making sure you will be too. Call today for a consultation.

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