Laura Betancourt
Laura Betancourt joined our practice in 2018. With over a decade of salon and spa experience under her belt, Laura has always been interested in health and wellness and desired to expand her experience to include learning more about plastic surgery. Laura now works in the role of Patient Care Consultant. She brings a knowledgeable and comforting presence to the consult process. She is passionate about helping guide patients through a life time transformation, and she considers it a privilege to be a part of the journey. When she's not working, she loves to spend time with her family, listen to music and travel.
¿Necesitas un cirujano plástico en Dallas, Texas?
Hola! Soy Laura la Cordinadora de Pacientes para RSPlastic Surgery. Dr. Robert Schwartz es médico certificado por la junta con 21 años de experiencia. Especializamos en aumento de pecho, liposuction, abdominaplastia y mucho más. Yo ser la guía que necesitan para su consulta. Llámenos al 972-498-4385